This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Why Do I Not Just Pray-Along?

Comments on first two shots are by ECSB member Jeff Bergosh.

Some have asked, why don't I just pray along or leave the room when local councils ask everyone to pray.  They say it's disrespectful.  For me, respect for all belevers must be given equally.  Otherwise, you cannot expect it back.  The ECSB respect ANY non-Biblical prayers.  They only allow Christians an endorsed platform - and maybe a Jew someday "for diversity".

So I choose to pray in my own way.  If I chant, it drowns out the prayer I don't agree with.  Just as ECSB membver Bergosh and BOCC rep Robertson walked out when I appeared, I can make a statement of passive resistance.  I don't have to listen to your illegal, discriminatory prayers.  I can pray in my own way.  Whether plugging my ears, turning away, kneeling on a prayer rug or singing to myself, it is my right to pray according to conscience when you ask the room to pray according to yours.  I encourage others to do the same.

Since most local reps have their eyes closed (literally and figuratively), they don't see that several people in the audience don't pray along.  For those others who don't let their government lead them in prayer, I choose to stand (and pray and sing and kneel) against our government establishing one religion - any religion.

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