This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


For the 2nd month in a row, the ECSB did not have a formal invocation 'prayer' tonight.  They didn't ask anyone to stand or pray!!  Though they won't say as much, this may signal a softening in their stance on biased invocation prayers.  If so, it's about time they came to their senses.

Last month was Mrs. Hightower's turn.  She read a poem (while the audience stood).  Tonight it was Mr Slayton's turn.  Instead of someone from East Brent Baptist Church praying (as is his custom), he asked a student to give a speech about the Future Farmers.  She was poised and it was totally appropriate.  No one stood or prayed aloud.

The real test is January.  That's when Mr Bergosh - the most vocal opponent of non-Biblical prayer-givers - gets his turn at choosing the invocation.  He has promised to bring a Jewish person, essentially saying you want diversity... here's your diversity.  Sorry, but inviting a Jew (like Jesus), while asking me "Are you Christian?" (then refusing my offer and several other minorities') is not diversity.  Likewise, passing over requests from Humanist and atheists and seeking out someone to represent a religion you like is not Constitutional.  You've publicly said you only allow prayer-givers that reflect your beliefs, which means you exclude those who don't.  I hope you have the good sense to continue the inclusive example set by Mrs Hightower and Mr Slayton.  I'm sure you can find an inclusive way to start the meeting that doesn't involve asking the audience to pray for you.  Maybe feature a student essay or some poetry.  It could be part of Civics or English class contest.  If you can not, I'll be there with an 'offensive' alternative invocation to offer at the Public Forum.

BTW, I had a dynamite "Christmas-themed" invocation prepared for the Public Forum.  Darn!  I'll give a different one next month, if needed.

One question remains:  Why call it an 'Invocation' on the agenda if gods' blessings are not invoked?  Why not just have the Call to Order and start the meeting?  There is no requirement to (misleadingly) list an 'Invocation', much less let individual SB members censor who gives it.

Stay tuned.

PS  I offered to drop this whole issue and not gloat to the press if the ECSB would change their policy.  They did not let me know.  I cannot assume they changed their policy at all.  I can only assume that two members made wise choices.  I'll be contacting the press with an update this week.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like someone who is very accepting of people of different religion. Though I hardly understood the “ceremony” or whatever, I do agree with your views.
