This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

VIDEO Christian Responds to ECSB Public Forum Comments

I LOVE that someone is finally responding, since the School Board won't.  Next month (and every month thereafter until there is a change), I'll give them something to really respond to - prayers that include MANY minorities.

Here's the video:

This was the response from one person in the audience of the ECSB meeting.  I find his logic faulty because it doesn't acknowledge the Constitution's prohibition of establishing a religion or free expression or religion (regardless of whether you agree or not). If you are going to have a prayer, you can't exclude religions you don't like.  Also, is that an ECSD lanyard around his neck?

While he was speaking, I thought Jeff Bergosh was going to get whiplash, he was nodding so vigorously.  Clearly he approves of standing up for the special privilege afforded to Christians during school board prayer.  And of course, it's the right of each SB member to make sure minority prayers don't get heard.

There is still no written policy, no pledge not to discriminate, and no response to letters from FFRF or AU.  In other words, ECSB meetings allow Bible-based religion dominion over all prayers.  Others need not apply.

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