This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Want to Deliver a Invocation in Escambia County? Here's How!

To request an invocation, please ask politely... "it would be my honor to...".  For all bodies listed, you don't have to give your religion (because that is discriminatory and may be a religious test), but you may want to.  If you do, be sure it gets listed on the Agenda for the meeting you attend.  If you get stonewalled, remind them that it is your right to offern an invocation befitting our religous viewpoint, under Galloway v Greece NY (SCOTUS 2014).  

Pensacola City Council   850 435-1606
* they keep a list of potential speakers; ask to be added to it and ask to be called at the first available opportunity.
Ericka Burnett
Betty Allen

Escambia County Commission
* They rotate between the commissioners taking turns inviting someone.  You must ask EACH of the commissioners individually.  All their spots are filled until the election, after which a new rotation will be published.  Ask to reserve a spot (in first come/first serve basis) for once the dates are published and ask to be emailed a copy of those dates when available.  Note:  they regular have repeats.  So if you get a yes from more than one, you can accept it.
Wilson Robertson,  850 595-4910
Gene Valentino,   850 595-4920
Lumon May,  850 595-4930
Grover Robinson,  850 595-4940
Steven Barry,  850 595-4950

Escambia School Board  main# 850 432-6121; ask for the School Board office
* They also rotate between SB members, each getting a turn.  You must ask EACH member.  Do not accept a spot at the public forum, but demand to be included as readily as someone giving a prayer in the style of the majority religion.  If they say their spots are full, ask to be placed next in line.

PLEASE be persistent.  One call or email may not be enough.  If you get no response, keep emailing or simply call.
PLEASE keep me updated, especially of negative responses.  I am tracking them in case any legal action is needed.

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