This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

VIDEO, Xscript - February 2014 "Non-Invocation" Calls For An End to DIvisive Prayer in Government

In February of 2014, I pushed to get another invocation at the city council before the Galloway v Greece ruling came down.  Amazingly, they allowed me to speak... after I reminded them that there should be no discrimination.  Apparently, I could be inserted, as the City does not observe any kind of rotation.  Invocations speakers appear to be chosen by the whim of staff.   I tried to take the gloves off but still keep it respectful.  I wanted to call for an end to biased, sectarian prayer at the City Council meetings.  Here's the video and transcript is below:

"Most prayers in this room begin with a request to bow your heads. I would like to ask you NOT to bow your heads tonight, but to look around at the women and men here, in this moment, sharing this experience of coming together to improve our fair city.

As we work to solve the problems we face, I won't appeal to any god favored by the majority. No. I appeal to YOU to dedicate your energy to the tasks before us - as human beings, sharing the goal of a fairer, more loving community. I am not here to ask the blessings of any common deity, but to call upon our common DUTY - to love and honor each other, setting aside our individual beliefs for the greater good. 

In that light, I'd like to invoke the words of some others who have shared my view: 
- Thomas Jefferson wrote "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people, which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion"
- Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said: "We are a very religiously diverse country. ALL should be treated equally. So I can't see how you can compose a prayer that is acceptable to all."
- Even Jesus is said to have condemned public prayer, in Matthew chapter 6, saying "Enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father, which is in secret" 

Today, I begin this meeting differently - not praying to the spirit of any one religion. Instead, I ask that we invoke the spirit of community - thereby welcoming ALL our citizens. I'm not here to lift up my god above yours, but to call forth that most universal principle - that we love our neighbors as ourselves. As Carl Sagan said - "For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love"

May this invocation begin a new tradition - where the non-believers among us feel as valued, loved and honored here as any believer ever has. Thank you."

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