This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Military Recognized Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Pic Inspires Invocation

Thanks Jeff Bergosh for this inspirational picture.  It turned me on to a whole new religion!

If the military recognizes it, that's good enough for me.  I've been calling myself Pastafarian-friendly, but the more I read, the more sense it makes to me.  I'm adding FSM to the pantheon of gods I respect and encourgage.


That sound perfect - they are not a jealous religion, they recognize the power of imagination in faith, they eschew exclusive (Abrahamic) religions, they reject dogma. Though some consider it satire, FSM believes that doesn't matter.  It's origins are divine regardless.  Some established religions have much more magical and dubious beginnings.  Virgin birth?  Golden tablets?  If those are OK, what's wrong with good old imagination creating a god to fit your own personal view?  The Church of FSM respects the right of individuals to shape their own beliefs, plus they value reason and science above mysticism.  Count me in!

To honor FSM and share it with the world, I've composed an invocation based on the Lord's Prayer.  With it's similarities, I'm hoping it will resonate with Christians who attend local government meetings in order to hear familiar prayer.

So that we may be touched and guided by his noodly appendages, I offer this prayer: 

Our pasta, which art in oven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy noodles come, thy sauce be yum, thy dough it is so unleavened.
Give us this day our garlic bread,
and forgive us our broccoli florets, steamed, with lemon butter.
And lead us into temptation, but deliver us some pizza.
For thine is kingdom of the pesto and alfredo,
forever and ever. Ramen.

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