This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

School Board Member wants to make Spectacle of my Invocation - email exchange + Willie Spears' VIDEO (bottom)



That sounds like a spectacle, alright - all of your making.  If this idea is OK  with the SB attorney and constitutes equal treatment of minority religions (LOL), I will accept it.  It would be much easier just to accept my invocation as a teaching opportunity and in the spirit of diversity and equality.

I hope you'll take the time to imagine what it's like to attend School Board meetings as a religious minority.  It's tough, as the majority religion is repeatedly endorsed and no other views are welcome.  You responses are telling of that fact.  For that reason alone, it would behoove the ECSB to adopt the same solution it prescribes to everyone else in the school system - moment of silence.

As ever, I enjoy your frank responses - from the blog especially.  May I re-post the stories and comments from your blog to my own, please?  I'll send the link once all my initial posts are complete.

Best Regards, 


From: "Jeffrey Bergosh" []
Date: 08/21/2014 09:36 AM
To: David
Subject: Re: Invocation Request Renewal


Thanks for the email.  I have given a great deal of thought to your requests and demands.  It appears as if Patty invited you to bring the invocation on her behalf at the next meeting where it is her turn to bring the guest.

Additionally, In have an idea that I'll be posting on my blog in the next few days that will allow everyone to win, a true win-win situation.  When you come to bring your Wiccan, Atheist, or Klingon invocation--I'll politely excuse myself from the room and simultaneously invite anyone in the audience who wants to join me in a Christian invocation out back.  You can give your invocation to those that want to hear it and stay in the room. Nobody will prevent you from your free exercise of your religion, just as I would expect for you not to attempt to block me from exercising my constitutional right to my Christian belief via a Christian invocation outside the back door.  A win-win, right Dave?

I'll be bringing this idea to the next workshop.

Jeff Bergosh

Jeff Bergosh
Escambia County School Board 
District 1 Board Representative


Esteemed Commissioners,  
I am writing to renew my request to deliver an invocation, without further delay, before the Escambia County School Board.

So far as I can tell, there is no legal reason why I might be denied or delayed again.  I intend to deliver an invocation, according to my own beliefs, which respects the occasion, the institution and the law, as I have done many times in the past (before legislative bodies).   I hope you will give me the opportunity without more religious tests or discrimination.

In the spirit of equal opportunity, I ask that you honor my (original) request before others you received afterward.  Likewise, I ask that you refrain from seeking out more majority-based invocations, nor issue such invitations, until others asking to participate are given their chance.  In other words, first-come/first-serve would a fair method to determine your order.  Anything else shows favoritism.  

If not welcomed for this duty, I respectfully ask that each commissioner provide some legally-sound reason why they will not allow me.  A religious preference is not a valid reason.  You do not represent only the majority religion, nor is the invocation a forum to advance your beliefs alone.  It would not be proper or prudent give extra scrutiny to a minority invocation, nor to say that a minority believer must ask a different board member or pray (unequally) at the public forum."  

I look forward to your prompt response.   As ever, I've provided my phone if you would like to speak to me directly.

Best Regards, 
David Suhor

PS  Just for fun, here is a prayer given by a local school head football coach.  Does this sound like an employee (who, by the way, should not be giving prayer at school functions) endorsing the majority religion publicly!

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