This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Friday, February 13, 2015

VIDEO; ECSB Will Keep Discriminating, Bans Other Prayers


One of the most interesting points comes early, when Mr Boone says that prayer has nothing to do with the school system, so it should not be allowed.  YES!!!

Here are some other quotes I found interesting.  MY RESPONSE IN CAPS:

Boone: "those antics need not even happen... will allow comment on "any matter of relevance to public education"  IS THE PRAYER RELATED TO PUBLIC EDUCATION?  NO.  THEN WHY HAVE IT?

5:08  Bergosh "...people have reached out to me to give an invocation... I believe that it's a privilege that we're entitled to.. to bring someone that represents our views to come bring the invocation"  THERE IT IS.  HE WILL ONLY BRING VIEWS THAT MATCH HIS RELIGION, OR SOMETHING CLOSE THERETO

8:45  Waters - "I believe you have a right to have an invocation at the meetings of the SB; the Galloway decision does not tell us a whole lot about how that looks when we put it into practice"   COMPLETELY FALSE.  GALLOWAY SAYS THAT "ANYONE", EVEN AN ATHEIST, SHOULD BE ABLE TO DELIVER AN INVOCATION.  IT ALSO GIVES GUIDELINES FOR CONTENT.
10:30  "As your attorney... strictly from risk mgt viewpoint... you need to go to a moment of silence because that would not incur any chance of spending money on litigation.  As your legal advisor, I have to tell you, that's my professional opinion"  BRAVA, MADAME COUNSELOR!
11:15  "If a person praying from a Christian viewpoint that doesn't parellel mine, I'd rather hear a moment of silence"  BRAVA!  EMPATHY!!  IF ONLY THE BOARD HAD SOME RESPECT AND FEELING FOR RELIGIOUS MINORITIES OTHERS, THIS COULD ALL BE AVOIDED

12:55  Moultrie  "I am willing to continue until someone says we have to do a MOS"   IN OTHER WORDS, UNTIL WE GET SUED, I WANT TO KEEP DISCRIMINATING

13:40   Hightower: "I think he continues to come because one of our board members has given him fodder to take up to court; there was a response that could get us in trouble"  IT STARTED BECAUSE OF THAT ONE QUESTION: "Are you Christian?"  AND NOW HE (BERGOSH) denies it.  JUST MORE LIES TO COVER YOUR GODZILLA-SIZED MISTAKE.
14:15   "Melody does a wonderful job - he is never in the videos"   YOU CAN'T HEAR ME ON THE VIDEO EITHER.  MELODY SHOULD BE DOCUMENTING THJIS INSTEAD OF AVOIDING IT.
18:00  "We had a number of students in the room last month.  We ask for a MOS at our schools, so we are not offending anyone"   EXACTLY!  THAT'S THE WAY TO GO.  I HAVE NEW RESPECT FOR MRS HIGHTOWER.

21:20  Waters:  "It is not for the audience; it is to focus the minds of the board members - to bring attention to the fact that you're following a higher purpose"  SO, THAT'S WHY YOU PRAY - TO BRING ATTENTION TO YOUR GODLINESS!  YOU CAN PRAY BEFORE THE MEETING, JUST AS EFFECTIVELY AND WITHOUT INDUCING THE AUDIENCE TO JOIN
"...Therefore, given that language in the Galloway decision, there is some authority for the fact that if none of the board members are of that persuasion, do they really have to invite it?  That when an atheist or wiccan or muslim or whatever is on the school board, then it would be appropriate to include that in the rotation"  -THIS SPECIFICALLY CONTRADICTS GALLOWAY, WHICH SAYS THAT ANYONE CAN OFFER A PRAYER
22:15 "you are a legislative body, but I will tell you there is no clear case law on that, as the individual has noted, there are a couple of federal courts that have looked at it and concluded that school boards were NOT legislative bodies."... (did not levy taxes, make a statute when you pass a rule)  THIS BOARD IS WILLING TO GAMBLE AGAINST TWO FEDERAL COURTS IN ORDER TO RETAIN ITS CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGE.
"you are a legislative body, you have the right to pray, that prayer is intended for your benefit, not the benefit of anyone in the audience; and further that the Galloway decision does not require that when someone makes a BAD FAITH request, with the stated intention of being disruptive that you have to honor that."  ALL OFFERS WERE GENUINE.  MINE WAS AND MY PRAYER WOULD BE APPROPRIATE.  HOW DARE ANYONE SAY I DID NOT ACT IN GOOD FAITH.  YOU HAVE NO BASIS FOR THAT ASSERTION.

27:55  Hightower "If he moves to start an invocation, I will cut him off at that point"  AN INVOCATION OFFERS GOOD WISHES, WISDOM AND GUIDANCE.  THAT'S WHAT THE SATANIC TEMPLE'S PRAYER DID.  WHY IS THAT OUT OF LINE?

28:45  Slayton  "I am concerned about the students that we have in the audience... the influence and the notorierty"  I do not want to do anything that wouild cause litigation... that would give him the promotional right to do it, that we have to let this happen"   YOU HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THE STUDENTS HEARING PRAYERS OF YOUR ILK.  HE HAS ADMITTED THAT STUDENTS ATTEND AND ARE INFLUENCED.  BUT HE IS NOT CONCERNED ABOUT HIS RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE VIA THE SCHOOL BOARD.  THAT'S WHY SCHOOL BOARDS SHOULDN'T HAVE PRAYER - OF ANY KIND.
30:15  "The people that are on this board, if they need to, we pray; we pray to ourselves"   PERFECT!  WHY INVOLVE THE AUDIENCE AT ALL, EXCEPT TO ENDORSE CHRISTIANITY?

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