This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Escambia County (lesser) Boards Lead Public in Prayer Too

Word got back to me that several sub-committees and boards of Escambia County (not just the BOCC, who is legally entitled, with some restriction) start off their meetings with prayer.  They are:

- The FL-AL Transportation Planning Organization (meeting in the BOCC Chambers).  This is not an people-elected body, but one of volunteers and employees.  The Chair (Charles Bare of the City Council) leads a prayer.

- The Escambia Planning Board.  Their prayers are led by Alvin Wingate.  I have reached him by phone and asked him to stop.  I followed up by email, so he could refer it to their attorney.

- The Merit Protection Board.  No action yet.  I'll have to learn more about them.

There may be others.  I'm trying to identify them.

Essentially, only one board is protected by SCOTUS to offer invocation prayers - the elected, legislative body of that municipality.  Others are breaking the establishment clause of the Constitution.   These prayers have no place at a public meeting and they have nothing to do with the business at hand.  They should stop.

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