This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

VIDEO: ECSB's Jeff Bergosh Wants to Invite a (token) Minority Religion

From September, 2014.  This is the last time the ECSB discussed invocations.  Watch the whole thing, but notice how Jeff Bergosh (at this point) wants to invite a religious minority just to cover his ass.  This month, he chose a Jewish person over requests pending.  Only he didn't tell the rabbi he was there 'for diversity'.  So I did.

Honestly, I respect Jeff for standing up for his convictions of Christian dominion, even though he is wrong to use his position for this purpose.  At least he's willing to say what other board member's won't.  I wish he and I could sit down and talk it out so he would understand how it feels from a religious minority's viewpoint.

Also, Jeff (and all ECSB) needs to hear about the law from someone other than their sycophantic attorney.  Poor thing.  She cannot justify the executive decision she has to defend.  I suspect she'd lose her job if she told them they need to drop it.  I really feel for her position, but she needs to tell the board the truth.  Their position is indefensible.

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