This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friendly Atheist Covers ECSB

Sadly, the story missed a few important details and reiterated some lies told by the other side.  First, this all occurs BEFORE the meeting begins.  That's done for legal cover.  I was not loud or disruptive or next to the dais.  That assertion comes from Jeff Bergosh himself - who hates that I don't follow the script at prayer time.  My chant is more like a low mumble.  In fact, the board chair herself said the invocation was BEFORE the call to order, so I was free to walk and talk at this time... though it would be "rude".  So what if I pray aloud while they do the same?  That's my right.  I've been doing this for months without any official admonition.  This only became a problem because I offered an "offensive" alternate prayer during the public forum.

One more thing.  I couldn't care less if the audience recites the Lord's Prayer when I speak.  In fact, I've been waiting for this reaction.  Like sheep, they bayed on cue.  Next time, they will be louder and more disruptive!  As much as I hate to say it, that's what is needed.  The ECSB will not act unless this issue becomes too big for them to ignore.  I've tried every proper channel I know to get them to offer a written policy and start accepting any of the multiple invocation offers they've received from minorities.  They prefer to make excuses (pre-meeting, so it's not official), flout the law (no federal appeals court has supported SB prayer) and practice discrimination (the rabbi was the first non-Christian prayer-giver EVER).  Now they want to suppress my individual freedom - to pray, in my own way, during the time they prescribe for such activity.  Good luck with that violation of civil rights.

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