This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Friday, January 23, 2015

REMOVED: Jeff Bergosh Won't Answer, Post Replies or Tell the Truth; but He Will Pray for Me

JEFF BERGOSH'S BLOG RESPONSE:  (this post has since been removed)

I'm praying for you Dave, because I think you are lost. I'm not going to debate you here or anywhere else. We simply have fundamental disagreement on the one issue you are interested in, the one that has been settled in court via numerous SCOTUS rulings that support what we're doing and how we're doing it. We've been diverse, you know that, I thought that was what you were after- but that was never really what you were after, nope. You want it to be about you and making a splash in the media and drawing attention to yourself. I'm not contributing to that anymore. As I said, I'm praying for you, not because I'm some sort of "Super Christian" I know I'm not, just a sinner who falls short all the time. I'm praying for you because you are lost.

MY RESPONSE (probably won't be published on his blog)

Yes, I know you won't publish or answer such contradictory comments.

Pray all you want Jeff... on your own time.  I support that right.  But don't lie and say you welcome diversity - with ECSB's first ever (unwittingly token) non-Christian prayer... only after being called out for discrimination.  Don't say I present loud interruptions when I never have.  Don't say what you are doing is legal when no SCOTUS decision has ever supported SCHOOL BOARD prayer.  And don't call someone's prayer vitriolic garbage when you won't even hear it - despite imposing your prayers on people there for a business meeting.

What you can do is create a written policy to make it clear how that discrimination and exclusion are not part of the process.  You can embrace the prayer, instead of saying it occurs before the meeting, so it's OK... but my prayers are not.  neither of these will satisfy me.  You need to drop it.

This not about attention to me.  Who would want this kind?  It's about attention to the illegal state-church entanglement practiced by the ECSB and their censorship of unwanted minorities.  You have no idea how many people get upset because they are subjected to prayer at public meetings.  Your eyes are literally closed, so you don't see.  They often tell me.  And they don't keep attending.

I find it interesting that you impose acceptable styles of prayer on the meetings, yet you want to suppress others.  If you don't want me to pray my way, quit asking me to pray your way.  Have a moment of silence for everyone to pray their own way.  Or find something appropriate and secular, as was done in November and December.

Meantime, go read Matthew 6:5-6 and see what it advises.  If you can't follow civil law, at least respect His command.

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