This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Friday, September 12, 2014

School Boards - Legislative (Galloway) or administrative (School Prayer)?

Here's the most recent and highest court's opinion on the matter.  They agree that a school board is no different than a school system.  They are not a legislative body.  They run the school system - which is forbidden to lead prayer.,%20FL.pdf

There is also a case being pending where FFRF is fighting a school board who doesn't accept the above conclusion.  It's pretty interesting:


Clearly, the school board should not be sponsoring prayers.  But if they are somehow allowed, they would have to follow Galloway v Greece NY (SCOTUS May, 2014).  Most importantly, they may not discriminate in deciding who (which religions) may give invocation prayers.  That's exactly what they are doing by rejecting minority invocations (mine and others).

"The Supreme Court’s ruling, authored by Justice Kennedy, makes clear that local governments must make "reasonable efforts to identify all of the congregations located within its borders" and welcome an invocation by anyone who wishes to give one, regardless of their faith. The majority decision also states that the policy must be one of nondiscrimination.  The opinion adds that the invocations must not "denigrate nonbelievers or religious minorities, threaten damnation, or preach conversion."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've decided to re-allow this comment, even though it was abusive and preachy, so I can respond.

    ElderTAW has left a new comment on your post "School Boards - Legislative (Galloway) or administ...": 9-12

    you are a fool, for a fool hath said in his heart there is no GOD - and if you forget, this is AMERICA, one nation UNDER GOD! and no one else! And if you don't believe in Him, then who and why and what is your reason to pray? You sound foolish. Its funny, sad, and shows your ignorance that you believe in satan, as he was smart enough to play you for a fool, but you deny the LIVING GOD! And I hope you NEVER get a chance to pray, because why are you praying? other than you NEED to pray for deliverance for your soul!

  3. We might be one nation, but we aren't all "UNDER GOD". That wasn't even the US motto until the 1950s red scare. Some, like me, choose to live under MANY gods. Some none at all. That's the beauty of religious freedom under our Constitution! It's the reason our country was founded - to escape state-imposed religion.

    I never said I believe in Satan, nor did I ask to deliver a Satanist prayer. But there would be nothing wrong with equal time to someone from ANY faith. In fact, as I learn more about the modern Church of Satan, I see many valuable lessons to draw from their doctrines.

    Also, I don't deny 'the living God" or any other. I respect all gods equally as manifestations of our need for meaning and order. I would even welcome a Muslim or Mormon to give a government prayer. The law says that anyone may give an invocation as long as they don't denigrate other religions, try to convert, or promise damnation... all of which Christians have done at the ECSB. The law says nothing about "unless the majority don't agree or might be offended", nor does it allow SB members to discriminate against religions they don't like or understand.

    In fact, history has recorded nearly 3000 gods! Some demand EXCLUSIVE worship. I reject them, even if Biblical religions push them on me repeatedly. If you only recognize one god, you are MORE ATHEIST than I am. I welcome ALL gods as forces of our spirit. Without fear and tempered by reason, I embrace the best lessons all religious traditions. You should try this kind of 'cherry picking' among gods. It's very liberating. And it's common when you interpret your Bible, so it should be familiar.

    Who will I pray to? I will pray to the god/s of my choice for those who feel their belief system is the only true way. I will pray that the eschew indoctrination and explore many traditions. I will invoke the spirit of ALL gods to enter your heart and open their eyes to the possibilities of life without dogmatic restrictions. Blessed be.
