This is the APPLE Biter Blog, commentary and news on local religion and secular government.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

ECSB Meeting Comments, TONIGHT!

BELOW are my comments, as I intended to say them before tonight ECSB meeting tonight.  However, it was Mrs Hightower's turn as invocation-chooser and she read a poem, then asked for a Moment of Silence (individual prayer)!  In that spirit, I skipped the minority-requested prayer I had planned.  I'll bring it next time - unless they continue with the community-inclusive and legally-sound MOS, letting everyone pray according to their own conscience.

* Video soon, along with a counter-argument by someone saying this we were founded on 'Christian values' - therefore the board should refuse non-Christians an equal chance to pray in the public forum.  Apparently, he doesn't agree with the establishment clause or the free exercise or free speech clauses.

** Still no written invocation policy, nor response to letters from FFRF and AU.

On this day, when you have sworn to uphold the Constitution, I am TRULY SORRY you won't acknowledge half your constituents.  In terms of religious expression, you DON'T EVER TRY.  Every month, this meeting begins with an official prayer - invoking only ONE god - that of the Bible, and ALWAYS in Jesus' name.  Clearly, other gods and religions just are not welcome.

How is this legal?  We've asked, but you refuse to clarify your invocation policy in ANY way.  We get  it.  You want only your religion spoken here, but you can't put that in writing.  So you've agreed that it's your 'personal choice' as board members.  By doing so, you've 'kept it Christian' for years.  You've denied several minorities who offered to pray - effectively establishing your religion and inhibiting the free expression of others'.  That's wrong and illegal and you should be ashamed.

In Escambia County, only 53 percent of us identify with a Christian congregation.  You want to welcome ALL citizens here.  So why start with a prayer that nearly half of us may not even agree with?  This is NOT your church.  Only one type of prayer can welcome all - an inclusive moment of silence - the very same solution you prescribe for EVERY OTHER Escambia school function.
It is simply not your place to decide which beliefs deserve a government-endorsed pulpit and which do not.  And, until ALL are welcome to pray at the appointed time, I WILL bring minority prayers, if merely at the public forum.  I hope you'll then understand how we minorities feel when regularly asked us to pray against our beliefs.

That said, the following prayer is NOT mine, but delivered by request.  Please accept it with the same grace you ask of others:


<May we never again be subjected to prayers we don't agree with.>
Thank you.

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